Immersive Learning | UM News Special Report | University of Miami

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Immersive Learning Special Report

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Immersive Learning Special Report

The whiteboard is dead. Teaching techniques and learning continually evolve, and engagement today is at its highest level. Passive learning – sitting in a classroom while a teacher talks – is out. Active is in. The University of Miami is providing transformative learning spaces for students. It’s developing captivating classroom projects that demand immersive teamwork. And UM students explore research and new techniques that prepare them for future success. As Gregory J. Shepherd, dean of the School of Communication, sees it: “All these newest spaces allow students to actually engage in the learning process. They look and function just like a workplace. It’s hard to get the students out of those spaces.”
The whiteboard is dead. Teaching techniques and learning continually evolve, and engagement today is at its highest level. Passive learning – sitting in a classroom while a teacher talks – is out. Active is in. The University of Miami is providing transformative learning spaces for students. It’s developing captivating classroom projects that demand immersive teamwork. And UM students explore research and new techniques that prepare them for future success. As Gregory J. Shepherd, dean of the School of Communication, sees it: “All these newest spaces allow students to actually engage in the learning process. They look and function just like a workplace. It’s hard to get the students out of those spaces.”

Also of Interest

Simulation Hospital

The new School of Nursing and Health Studies Simulation Hospital offers a powerful new learning environment for health care professionals and communities far and wide.

Also of Interest

CoE–Johnson & Johnson Collaborative Laboratory

The College of Engineering collaborates with Johnson & Johnson to support innovation and creativity with a focus on 3-D printing and materials process development.

Also of Interest

B.E. & W.R. Miller BuildLab

An immersive education at the University of Miami’s School of Architecture engages students in design-thinking and active problem solving through studio courses and lab spaces.

Also of Interest

Map Pin

Learning Commons at the Otto G. Richter Library

A new Learning Commons, complete with a well-equipped Digital Media Lab, allows students to create, collaborate, investigate and learn.

Also of Interest

The Visualization Lab at CCS

The Center for Computational Science houses the Viz Lab, which offers the UM community a high-tech way to display, present and analyze information.

Also of Interest

The Koenigsberg & Nadal Interactive Media Center

Students at the School of Communication using the media center are engaged in novel and innovative experiences, gaining technological expertise and learning the value of an entrepreneurial spirit and social responsibility.

Also of Interest

The Alfred C. Glassell, Jr. SUSTAIN Lab

Inside this unique structure, scientists and researchers tinker with the controls of a 75-foot-long, 38,000-gallon wind-wave tank to simulate everything from a tropical storm to a cyclonic monster with 160-mile-per-hour winds, sea spray and storm surge. 

Sounding Alarm

Sounding the Alarm

A multidisciplinary team of researchers and medical professionals from the University of Miami and universities across the country has been working to address the effects of audible medical alarms within clinical settings.
Sounding Alarm
Mighty Girls

Mighty Girls

Digital games and an interactive classroom developed at the School of Nursing and Health Studies empower girls to use their voices to make wise choices.
Mighty Girls
Organs on a Chip Visualization

Organs on a Chip

University of Miami engineers are simulating human organs on chips, improving potential applications in health and medicine.
Organs on a Chip Visualization
Group study

Teaching Students the Mechanics Behind How Humans Learn

The graduate courses on applied learning will be offered on campus and online by the School of Education and Human Development.
Group study
Robo Canes


The University of Miami team of soccer-playing robots engages computer science students to experience hands-on learning in robotics and artificial intelligence research.
Robo Canes

Understanding Pain through Science and Simulation

A UM psychology professor studies the perception and communication of pain in a simulated clinical setting at the College of Arts and Sciences.

Transforming 21st Century Engineering Education

Transforming 21st Century Engineering Education

The University of Miami College of Engineering implements an innovative alternative to the traditional lecture format for several of its classes—what’s known as an active classroom.
Transforming 21st Century Engineering Education

Pushing the Boundaries in Career Readiness

The University of Miami Toppel Career Center is leading the way in the field of career services through an online video simulation platform for students.

Gordon Center medical simulation

Revolutionizing Medical Education at the Gordon Center

The Michael S. Gordon Center for Research in Medical Education is a long-standing renowned facility that applies advanced technology and simulation techniques to medical education at the University of Miami.
Gordon Center medical simulation
Forum Theatre Law

Theatre and Revolution in Clinical Legal Education

The University of Miami Law School’s Health Rights Clinic incorporates a distinctive collaborative simulation method into its immersive clinical legal education.
Forum Theatre Law

Learning Science by Doing Science

Students in STEM fields at the University of Miami are engaging with each other, across disciplines, in a new era of active education at the College of Arts and Sciences.
